Quick Cooking Tips That Will Help You in Your Daily Cooking Activities.

Who doesn’t love food? What makes this time even more enjoyable is a skilled cook in the kitchen preparing the meals. This new “Cooking Tips” series is here to help beginners and experts acquire new skills.

So, we’ll publish those tips from time to time, they won’t be exclusively related to slow cooking but rather to cooking in general. Hope you support the initiative 🙂

Let’s Get Started:

You must prep well if you want to cook a large, festive meal. Be certain that you have every ingredient you will need on hand. Along with the ingredients, you need to make sure you have the correct utensils for cooking the next day. This will help to alleviate your anxiety and maximize your potential.

Tip: Keep spices in a dark and cool place. Storing spices in lighted areas or warm areas can reduce their length of freshness.

Fresh Basil

Do you want to cook with fresh basil? Place a few fresh sprouts in a glass. Add some water to cover the stems. You can keep it on the kitchen counter for several weeks. If the water is changed periodically, the basil may even sprout roots. Occasionally trim the basil, which will encourage more growth, and you will be able to have the benefits of fresh basil for quite some time.

Garlic is one of those delicious ingredient that has a drawback; its flavor gets onto your hands. After you are done working with garlic and any other odoriferous ingredients, try rubbing your hands firmly on the inside of your stainless steel sink. Rubbing your hands on the stainless steel, helps remove the odor from your hands, so that every other food you touch does not smell like garlic also.

Use airtight containers whenever you store unused baking mixes, flour or sugar in your pantry or kitchen. These containers keep your food safe from pests and help your items stay fresh by sealing out the unwanted air. These containers are readily available in the marketplace and will be worth the money invested.

 Tip: You should try a small portion of the meat you are cooking when seasoning meats. Hamburgers, meatballs and meatloaf all require some careful seasoning.

Chefwoman_10When serving salad to guests, leave the dressing on the side. People vary in the amount of dressing they like on their salad, so it is helpful to let them do this on their own. Also, give a variety of different dressings.

Choose a bone-in roast if you are short on cooking time. Your roast will be done a lot faster because its bone transfer heat to your roaster. When the meat is finished being cooked, you can avoid the bone when you cut and serve it.

If you are often pressed for time when making dinner, try doing a little preparation work before hand, perhaps on the night before you plan to cook the dinner. Before you head to bed at night do your best to cut up vegetables and onions, marinating meat, or making some sauce. This will help reduce your stress and lower your cooking time the next day. Remember, slow cookers can be of great help!

Cool Tip: Prepare dishes that you’re an expert at when you’re cooking for someone important in your life, such as a supervisor or a new partner. Don’t try to cook a new recipe or use a new ingredient that you have not tried before, you may save new recipes for later 🙂

Adding salt to the boiling water when cooking pasta will help flavor it while it cooks. This helps to add flavor to the pasta while it is boiling. If you salt the pasta once it is cooked, you will not get as much flavor when you add the seasoning.

Hope you like the idea of providing those quick reminders that will help you in your daily cooking activities.

Enjoy and share!


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